Boslands Flower Shop

Boslands Flower Shop

Posted by boslandsflowershop on March 6, 2020 | Last Updated: February 18, 2021 Flowers Gifts

We Love the Favorite Flowers of These Favorite Women

In honor of Women’s History Month, your premier florist in Wayne, Bosland’s Flower Shop, is not only spotlighting some of our favorite ladies from the past and today but also discovering their favorite flower. Every bloom is as delightful and unique as these amazing ladies who love them.

Lily of the Valley

Audrey Hepburn – Lily of the Valley

One of Hollywood’s most beloved actresses, Audrey Hepburn’s favorite flower was the dainty Lily of the Valley. Delicate, majestic, and small, the Lily of Valley represents humility, good fortune, and happiness. Well known as a fashion icon, Audrey Hepburn also dedicated herself to humanitarian work in other countries. When she married, her wedding bouquet consisted of a bunch of Lily of the Valley flowers, which is now a staple of most traditional bridal bouquets.

Mokara Orchid

Angelina Jolie – Orchid

A talented actor and director, Angelina Jolie’s favorite flower is the beautiful orchid. The orchid plant is desired and collected all over the world because of its unique beauty. Its petal shape is actually based on the species of the orchid plant, but each bloom only consists of 3 delicate petals. A sign of refinement, mysteriousness, and luxury, the exotic orchid the ideal option for this equally exotic celebrity.


Anne Hathaway – Anemones

Anne Hathaway is known for versatility in playing a variety of roles, so it’s no surprise her favorite flower is the vibrant and beautiful anemone. A wildflower with delicate petals that bloom in a variety of colors, the anemone has a variety of meanings. White anemones symbolize sincerity, red and pink anemones represent forsaken love, and purple anemones signify protection from evil.

Jennifer Lopez – White Lilies and Roses

Jennifer Lopez’s favorite flowers of choice are white roses and lilies. The white lily is fragrant and majestic, with six petals various symbolic meanings. From purity to strength, protection and fertility, this gorgeous flower commands attention – a lot like J-lo herself.

White Roses

Lady Gaga – White Roses

Lady Gaga loves one flower more than others and that’s the white rose. Symbolizing peace, purity, and love, placing an arrangement of white roses in your house is thought to bring about peaceful energy. Linked with the Greek god Adonis, who was responsible for rebirth and renewal, the white rose is also a popular wedding flower.