Franklin Lakes Florist

Local Franklin Lakes NJ Florist - Same-Day Flower Delivery Franklin Lakes

Delivery by 2pm today available. Order within 57 minutes details

Your Franklin Lakes, New Jersey Florist: Bosland's Flowers, the Paterson, New Jersey florist is proud to serve the great community with fresh-cut flowers, plants, and gifts. Looking for the perfect, creative floral arrangement with delivery to the home or office? Look no further than Bosland's Flowers for all your gift-giving needs. We love our walk-in customers as well as our online flower buyers. Find the right flowers, plants or gifts is easy with Bosland's Flowers. We offer same-day delivery, will-call, or simply stop by and say hi while picking out the perfect bouquet today. We look forward to seeing you very soon. All the best from your family-own flower shop! Learn more about our delivery to Franklin Lakes here.

Favorites in Franklin Lakes Florist

Bosland's Flowers Franklin Lakes, New Jersey

1600 Ratzer Rd. Wayne, NJ 07470 (973) 942-3838

Your Franklin Lakes, New Jersey Florist:
Bosland's Flowers, the Franklin Lakes, New Jersey florist is proud to serve the great community with fresh-cut flowers, plants, and gifts. Looking for the perfect, creative floral arrangement with delivery to the home or office? Look no further than Bosland's Flowers for all your gift-giving needs. We love our walk-in customers as well as our online flower buyers. Find the right flowers, plants or gifts is easy with Bosland's Flowers. We offer same-day delivery, will-call or simply stop by and say hi while picking out the perfect bouquet today. We look forward to seeing you very soon. All the best from your family-own flower shop!

A Word from Our Customers